2nd Floor,
Eastgate House,
Lock Quay,
Accounts Preparation
All primary and secondary schools (under new FSSU requirements) have to implement the following;​
move the financial year end date of the school to 31 August;
prepare annual accounts to 31 August in a particular format (FSSU website) and
these accounts will have to be certified by an accountant who has a practising certificate and uploaded to the Department of Education portal by the end of February ( 6 months after year end).
Caroline is familiar with all these requirements, holds the necessary practising certificate and will ensure that all FSSU obligations are met.
Caroline Kelly & Co. is regulated by Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland and holds full Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Help you meet your tax obligations
Since July 2012 all primary schools now have Relevant Contracts Tax ( RCT ) and Value Added Tax ( VAT ) obligations in relation to certain construction and repairs work. Caroline will help you meet all these obligations and also advise on any PAYE/ PRSI issues which may arise for your school.
Board of Management Reporting
As an experienced member of a primary school Board of Management, Caroline can advise on best practice as regards the preparation of financial reports for board meetings and how best to maintain the financial records of your school.